May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Grasby Parish Council
c/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone 07980 238 463 Email:
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Grasby Parish Council Meeting, which will be held on Wednesday 17th May 2023 commencing at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. There will be a 15 minute public forum at the start of the meeting when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. The 15 minute public forum commences at 7.15 pm.
The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
5th March 2023
C Wright
Clerk to the Council
1. Election of Chair
2. Election of Vice Chair
3. Co-option of A Sarahan
4. Apologies for absence
5. Declaration of Interest
6. To approve minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 15th March 2023
7. Lincs County Council matters
8. West Lindsey District Council matters
9. Clerk’s Report
10. Highways matters
11. LALC Management Committee Nomination
12. Parish Council Insurance
13. Finance:
(i) Accounts for payment-
Payments for approval:-
C Wright, clerk’s salary and expenses – £269.80
M Williams, Grass cutting- £264
Zurich Insurance- £171.11
(ii) Payments between meetings
M Williams, Grass cutting- £132
(iii) Annual Audit and Accounts- to approve the Annual Governance statement and the Accounting Statement.
14. Neighbourhood Plan update
15. Memorial for Cllr Strange update
16. Planning- Planning applications & decisions: PA146028- Five Gables, application for single storey extension- granted, PA146265- The Grange, listed building consent to install wood burning stove- granted, PA146226- Omby Wold Lane- application to erect 1 paragraph 80 dwelling public consultation underway, APP/N2535/W/22/3291802- appeal for 4 Dwellings, Clixby Lane- appeal dismissed.
17. Items for next agenda
18. Date and time of next meeting.
Charlotte Wright
Clerk to Grasby Parish Council.