Freedom never gets old landscape

Please support our new campaign to promote the use of the older person's bus pass.
The campaign - Freedom Never Gets Old - aims to encourage people entitled to the English National Concessionary bus pass in Lincolnshire to apply for and use their bus passes on bus services. There are many hundreds of people in Lincolnshire who are eligible for a bus pass but haven’t applied.
The campaign begins in August 2022 in partnership with all bus operators in Lincolnshire - known as the Enhanced Bus Partnership
Freedom Never Gets Old campaign will be seen at bus stops, libraries, and with your help parish noticeboards and community venues. There will also be a social media campaign. Bus operators throughout Lincolnshire will be promoting the campaign.
The Freedom Never Gets Old aims to highlight the benefits of the free bus pass these include: 
•  Saving Money
•  Improved health and wellbeing
•  Preventing loneliness
•  Access to services
•  Sense of purpose and value to communities .
•  Helping protect bus services 
Useful contacts :
Transport Helpline 0345 456 4474 - Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm ; Saturday 9.30am - 4pm - how to apply for a bus pass - Homepage has the Traveline journey planner 

Demand Responsive bus services - Bookable bus services

CallConnect  0345 234 3344 Lincolnshire

ConnectBus 0345 263 8153  Stamford and Bourne

Fngo town