January 2024 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the Council Meeting held Wednesday January 17th 2024, at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr J Brown, Cllr. P Grimes, C Mead and the clerk.
District Councillor Cllr P Morris
0 members of the public.
Public forum- no members of the public attended
01.24 Apologies for absence: Apologies were accepted from County Councillor T Smith
02.24 Declarations of Interest –None
03.24 The minutes of the meeting held 15th November 2023 - were approved and signed as a true record.
04.24 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr T Smith was not in attendance.
05.24 West Lindsey District Council Matters: -Cllr P Morris reported that WLDC have increased their fees for planning applications by 35% for major developments and 25% for standard developments. If planning is refused the first-time applicants are no longer entitled to make changes and re-submit a second time for no extra fee. Information regarding devolution has been circulated and the Devolution Debate is now running. Lincolnshire County Council, North Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Council have secured a devolution deal with government worth over £750 million which, if progressed, means money and power can move from government to decision-makers in Greater Lincolnshire.
To seek this level of powers, money, and a say in how it is spent, local councils must produce a draft proposal and consult on it. The proposal sets out to government how devolution could work in Greater Lincolnshire including the creation of an independent body called a mayoral combined county authority.
The Greater Lincolnshire Devolution Proposal (the proposal), can be seen, in full at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/devolution
The three councils are now seeking views before deciding whether to submit the proposal to government either in its current form or in an amended form.
Cllr Bennett asked if there is any possibility that the number of months for green bin collection could be extended. Cllr Morris to enquire. Cllr Morris reported that he is still working to try make it possible for residents in West Lindsey to be able to use the tip at Barnetby.
06.24 Clerk’s report- flowing the last meeting LCC Highways have filled in a number of potholes, however, they have missed the potholes on Front Street. It is easy to report any highways issues on fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk. Anyone is able to report a problem on this website. Lorry watch has been added to the parish website.
07.24 Highways Matters- The quote for a new SID was shared. The cost would be £2700. Clerk to contact the Road Safety Partnership to discuss where it could be positioned. The prohibition of waiting order has now been published and the deadline for public responses is 15th February. LCC have contacted the council regarding the installation of a bus stop pole and information case in Clixby. Unfortunately, the location suggested is near Wolds Retreat leisure park which is not in Clixby. Clerk to contact LCC to inform them of the error. Correspondence has been received regarding improving the Viking Way. The cost for what was suggested is prohibitive. Councillors to look at an alternative to what has been suggested.
08.24 Finance –
(a) Schedule of payments and receipts:
(i) C Wright, salary December- £142
(ii) C Wright, salary January- £142
(iii) C Wright, expenses December and January- £33.50
(c) Precept estimate 2024/25
Resolved to submit a final precept request of £5400.
09.24 Neighbourhood Plan Update – Cllr Mead reported that the plan now progressing quite swiftly. A grant has been applied for and awarded. A site visit is due to take place with a consultant and a housing needs assessment is currently being undertaken. Two public events have been arranged and are being publicised on social media. Cllr Mead reported that be is trying to obtain more representation form Searby and Owmby villages as the plan moves forward. It was resolved to sign the updated terms of reference which encorporate Searby and Grasby.
10.24 Correspondence: Correspondence has been circulated prior to meeting. Resolved to add D Day 80 celebrations to the March agenda. It was resolved to join WLDC defibrillator scheme for £100 to ensure defibrillator is maintained regularly. The current cost is £100 per annum. WLDC will then conduct regular checks and ensure all maintenance is undertaken. The possibility of purchasing a further defibrillator for the village were discussed. Clerk to contact the school to ask if they would be willing to have one mounted on their wall, accessible to the public 24hours a day. An electrical supply is needed for the cabinet to ensure the defibrillator works effectively in cold conditions.
11.24 Planning applications & decisions: PA147517, Replacement of 17.5m Elara monopole, Brigg Road, Grasby- no objections/observations from WLDC. PA147218- Application for approval of reserved matters to erect 1 dwelling following outline permission PA141203- granted. PA147645, planning to erect 1 dwelling, Wilmore Lane- no comment
12.24 Additional items for the next agenda- D Day 80 celebrations, Superfast Broadband.
13.24 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 20th March 2024 at the Village Hall. Public participation to commence at 7.15pm followed by the Council meeting at 7.30pm
Meeting Closed – 20.42 pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.