July 2024 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17 July 2024, at Grasby Village Hall.
Present: Cllr J Harris (Chair), Cllr J Brown, Cllr P Grimes, Cllr C Mead, Cllr S Riley and Cllr R Bennett (acting as clerk).
0 members of the public.
Public forum: No members of the public were in attendance.
50.24 Apologies for absence: County Councillor Cllr T Smith, District Councillor Cllr P Morris and the Clerk.
51.24 Declarations of Interest: None
52.24 The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 15 May 2024: were approved and signed as a true record.
53.24 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: Nothing to report.
54.24 West Lindsey District Council Matters: Nothing to report.
55.24 Clerk’s Report: nothing additional to report that is not covered on the agenda.
56.24 Highways Matters: Various matters were discussed under this agenda item:-
a) A1084 Road Closure at Brigg Road, Caistor – it was noted that the road closure will take effect from 22 July through to 3 September. Concerns were raised regarding the increased level of traffic that this may bring through the village particularly large vehicles as the official diversion route is long. An email will be sent to Cllr T Smith asking for Highways to put out signs advising not suitable for HGV access.
b) Parking enforcement – the bus stand and double yellow lines have been installed as per the Traffic Regulations Order which comes into force on 22 July, however it was noted that some cars are still parking on these areas at school drop-off and pick-up times so enforcement is required. An email to be sent to Cllr T Smith asking for enforcement patrols to visit once the autumn term begins in September.
c) SSID for west bound A1084 – site meeting held with Graeme Butler and now waiting for the post to be installed by Lincs Road Safety Partnership before ordering the interactive speed sign.
d) Front Street water leak – the road was closed and leak fixed after a false start by Anglian Water. Burst water pipes continue to be an ongoing problem in the village.
57.24 Finance
Schedule of payments and receipts:
(i) C Wright, salary June: £142
(ii) C Wright, salary July: £142
(iii) C Wright, expenses June & July: £30
(iv) LALC, website maintenance: £216
(v) JM Brown, NP (grant funded) expenses: £90.42
(vi) M Williams, Grass cutting: £132 & £264
(vii) Printing, NP (grant funded): £67.16
(viii) WLDC, defibrillator scheme: £106
These payments were unanimously approved.
58.24 Neighbourhood Plan Update – Cllr Mead reported that the GSONP is making good progress with the latest event being a public meeting held at the Village Hall on 26 June, at which about 50 parishioners attended the event which showcased the work undertaken so far including the Design Guide and Housing Needs Assessment together with aerial video and historic documents. The ‘call for sites’ has resulted in 8 possible sites coming forward, although one of those landowners requested that their land should not be developed. Meetings will be held with landowners and the sites will then be evaluated as to their suitability for potential development. Next steps include submitting the 24/25 grant application to Locality and a progress call with the planning consultant drafting the plan, there is also a good deal of work required on formulating and amending maps for the plan. It is hoped that the draft Neighbourhood Plan will be available in the autumn with a referendum taking place in spring 2025.
59.24 Planning Applications & Decisions: Nothing to report.
60.24 Correspondence: Nothing to report.
61.24 Superfast Broadband: It was noted that both Searby and Owmby have superfast fibre broadband which was installed under a government funded grant scheme. Cllr Harris to follow-up with Kate Knapton who organised the Searby scheme. Cllr Brown confirmed that Grasby currently has ‘superfast broadband’ as our Openreach cabinet is supplied by fibre, but this is restricted by the copper wiring to each property. According to the Openreach website we are due to receive ‘ultrafast broadband’ between now and 2026 which will require ‘Fibre to the Premises’ (FTTP). It would be useful to know from Openreach when FTTP is proposed for the village.
62.24 Parish Council Website: Cllr Riley confirmed that he has had a conversation with Pete Langford, the website admin via LALC, and described his proposals to enhance the website which is currently static and quite dry. A Google Analytics table was circulated which shows visitors to the site and various other KPI’s. It was agreed that Cllr Riley will progress further.
63.24 Items for the next agenda: All as above.
64.24 Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 18 September 2024 at Grasby Village Hall. Public participation to commence at 7.15pm followed by the Council meeting at 7.30pm
Meeting Closed – 9.25pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.