March 2024 Minutes
March 2024 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463
Minutes of the Council Meeting held Tuesday March 19th 2024, at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr J Brown, Cllr. P Grimes, Cllr. C Mead and S Riley.
District Councillor Cllr P Morris and County Councillor Cllr T Smith
0 members of the public.
Public forum: no members of the public attended
14.24 Apologies for absence: apologies were accepted from Charlotte Wright (Clerk) due to family issues. All members expressed heartfelt wishes to Charlotte and her family family at this challenging time.
15.24 Declarations of Interest: None.
16.24 To co-opt S Riley onto the parish council: proposed by Cllr. J Harris and seconded by Cllr. R Bennett this motion was unanimously approved and adopted. The declaration of acceptance of office was signed by the chairman and S Riley was welcomed onto the parish council.
17.24 The minutes of the meeting held 17th January 2024: were approved and signed as a true record.
18.24 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: the schedule of road works related to the parish was reviewed with no issues arising.
Cllr. T Smith reported that the referendum on the mayoral election was now progressing after the county council voted in favour for the devolution of Greater Lincolnshire.
Cllr. T Smith offered to join members on a walk about of the parish to identify any outstanding road and drainage issues – date to be arranged. Such issues will be sent in a letter to Sir Edward Leigh MP to assist in resolution.
Acceptance of the proposed road traffic changes is to be sent to J Gibson on behalf of the parish council by the clerk. Objections to the proposal are now with the county council’s planning and regulation committee – Cllr. T Smith will inform the chairman of the date objections will be tabled for discussion.
19.24 West Lindsey District Council Matters: council tax bills for the coming financial year have been received by residents. Although there is a rise in precept of 13% on the previous year this is still lower than that charged in 2018/19.
20.24 Cllr. J Harris and Cllr. P Grimes are to investigate the collection of data from the SID on the A1084 eastbound.
21.24 Cllr. P Morris advised that QR codes are to be placed on all litter and dog waste bins in the parish. These can be used by members of the public to report full or damaged bins to the council.
22.24 Large bins are to be made available for hire from WLCC – Cllr. P Morris will provide further information in due course.
23.24 Clerk’s report: None (due to absence).
24.24 Highways Matters: the location of a new SID on the A1024 westbound needs to be agreed with the road safety partnership – Cllr. T Smith will progress the identification of a suitable site for the pole on which to fit the new SID.
25.24 Finance: the following schedule of payments and receipts were approved:
(i) C Wright, salary February- £142
(ii) C Wright, salary March- £142
(iii) C Wright, expenses February and March- £33.50
(iv) Smith of Derby, Church clock service- £360
(v) J Brown, NP expenses- £50.65
(vi) J Turnbull, NP expenses- £13.25
(vii) Defib Maintenace, WLDC- £16.67.
26.24 Neighbourhood Plan Update: Cllr. C Mead reported the following –
The grant received by the group must be used by the 31st March with any residual amount to be returned to Locality - Cllr. J Brown is finalising the accounts of the steering group to determine the amounts involved.
A partial draft of the design guide which includes a character analysis of both Grasby and Searby cum Owmby has been recently received from AECOM and will be circulated for review. A draft housing needs assessment and neighbourhood plan are expected mid-April.
A call for sites is to be made in the coming weeks to identify any land residents or landowners wish to be considered for development.
Cllr. C Mead is to attend the Searby cum Owmby parish meeting next week to update their members on progress. An update will also be given on social media.
27.24 Correspondence: the parish council were requested to consider sites for electric vehicle charging points. Given the scarcity of car parking space in the parish no sites are immediately available.
28.24 Planning applications & decisions: None. However, some concerns were raised over PA138477- Application for 41 holiday lodges, 1 warden's lodge on the site of the old quarry – Cllr. P Morris is to contact the case officer (Ian Elliot) to ensure the development remains within the terms agreed on approval by WLCC.
29.24 D Day 80 celebrations: Cllr. J Brown will raise this with the village hall committee.
30.25 Superfast Broadband: Cllr. C Mead will request information from the Searby cum Owmby parish meeting members on the steps they took to accomplish fibre connectivity.
31.24 Items for next agenda: as previous list.
32.24 Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 15th May 2024 at the Village Hall. This will be the annual parish council meeting - public participation to commence at 7.00pm followed by the Council meeting at 7.30pm
Meeting Closed: 21.04 pm. These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.