March 2021 Minutes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463  Email:

Minutes of the Council Meeting held 17th March 2021, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett & Clerk

 15.21     Apologies for absence: None

16.21 Declarations of Interest –None

17.21 The Minutes of 20th January 2021 - were approved and signed as a true record.

18.21  Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - No report

19.21 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - No report.

20.21 Clerk’s report- there has been no interest in the parish council vacancies.

21.21 Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme, A1084 Speed Limit and school bus stop- Work to begin on improving the A1084 on 29th March. Phase two will begin in April.  Cllr Wood reported that the community speed watch can recommence 29th March.  More volunteers are needed to operate the speed guns.  The matter of the school bus stop is still ongoing.  There has been no further correspondence regarding the school bus stop.

22.21 Finance and accounts for payment-

a) Finance: Accounts for payment-

Payments for approval:

C Wright – Salary and expenses £200.26
LALC annual subscriptions- £154.94
Smith’s of Derby- church clock service- £302.40 
23.21 Correspondence- all correspondence has been circulated.
24.21 Neighbourhood Plan- Draft flyer has been circulated.  Flyer to be printed and distributed door to door.  Volunteers will be needed.  A launch event may be difficult due to Covid restrictions.
25.21 Memorial for Cllr Strange- Cllr Wood has been investigating the possibility of creating an information board (DAB graphics).  A number of parishioners have been contacted and asked to provide information on items such as flora and fauna, wildlife, the church.  .

26.21 Removal of hedge on Bentley Lane- 14m of hedge has been removed on Bentley Lane rather than 5m mentioned on planning permission PA141817.  Clerk to contact planning officer.

27.21Planning applications and decisions: PA142195- Application for change of use of agricultural buildings to residential annexe- withdrawn by applicant. PA141867- Land at Berkley House, Station Road- application reduced to 1 dwelling- granted. PA141429/ APP/N2535/W/20/3265778- application for 5 dwelling- parish council to submit comments.

28.21 Additional items for the next agenda- nothing additional

29.21 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 19th May 2021 7.00 pm Annual parish meeting, 7.30pm-Annual Council Meeting plan to meet remotely.

Meeting Closed – 9.01pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.