September 2021 DRAFT Notes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held 23rd September 2021, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr K Hallett & The Clerk
District Councillor P Morris
County Councillor T Smith
0 members of the public
61.21 Apologies for absence: None
62.21 Declarations of Interest –None
63.21 The Minutes of 21st July 2021 - were approved and signed as a true record.
64.21 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr Smith thanked everyone involved with the car show on which he thoroughly enjoyed. Planning will be going to committee.
Cllr Wood brought speeding traffic to the attention of Cllr Smith and asked if any measures could be taken to slow traffic down. There is a lack of police presence in the area. Cllr Smith to investigate measures that can be taken. Cllr Bennett has reported missing 50mph speeding sign to Graeme Butler. No response has been received. Cllr Smith to follow up.
A review is being carried out on the use of the tip at Barnetby which Grasby residents are not permitted to use.
65.21 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Morris thanked everyone who helped put on the motor show. Ian Knowles, chief exec of WLDC would like to make a ward meeting in December. He asked if Grasby Councillors would like to bring anything to his attention.
Cllr Wood asked if a memorial service has been planned for Cllr Strange.
66.21 Clerk’s report- there are still 2 vacancies available on the parish council. The website has now been updated by Pete Langford. Map of the parish needs updating.
67.21 Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme, A1084 Speed Limit and school bus stop- Community speed watch group have been going out. Caistor have asked if Grasby would like to amalgamate with them. This may be considered in the future. A1084- Cllr Smith to follow up signage issues. No further progress has been made with the school bus stop. Parking at school times has been less of an issue since the start of the new term. Now a smaller bus is being used there isn’t so much of a problem
68.21 Finance and accounts for payment-
a) Finance: Accounts for payment-
Resolved to pay:
C Wright – Salary and expenses £213.76
A request for a grant from the village hall committee has been received to help with the cost of the insurance.
Cllr Bennett proposed we grant £1200 which had been precepted for from this year and last year. All agreed.
Resolved to grant £1200 to the village hall.
69.21 Correspondence- all correspondence has been circulated.
70.21 Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Morris is interested in helping with the neighbourhood plan. Leaflets are printed to start engaging with the village but the plan has been on hold due to the Covid pandemic.
71.21 Defibrillator- The defibrillator is now working as Bigby have lent the parts needed. The parish council would like another defibrillator in the village. Consideration needs to be given as to where it would be located. Cllr Bennett to ask if the school would consider placing one on their railings.
72.21 Memorial for Cllr Strange- Cllr Wood drafting an information board. Item to remain on the agenda.
73.21.Planning- PA142952- Application for the construction of a fish drying plant, Manor Farm, Clixby- to go to committee, PA143567- Application for loft conversion, Bookers Holt, Station Road- no objections. PA143464- application for formation of 2 commercial fishing ponds, land off Grasby Road, Barnetby- PC to ask West Lindsey to ascertain what will happen to the minerals extracted.
Central Lincolnshire Local Plan- deadline for consultation period is 27th August.
74.21 Additional items for the next agenda- nothing additional
75.21 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 17th November 2021 @7.30
Meeting Closed – 21.12
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.