November 2021 DRAFT Notes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone 01673 838151     Email:

Minutes of the Council Meeting held 17th November 2021, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr K Hallett &  The Clerk

District Councillor P Morris
County Councillor T Smith
21 members of the public

A number of members of the public attended the meeting to express concerns about PA142952- Application for the construction of a fish drying plant, Manor Farm, Clixby.  A group of residents have written a press release regarding the plant.  2 odour reports have been carried out- one by the applicant and one by the residents of Grasby and surrounding areas.  Cllr Bennett advised that WLDC will determine the application.  There are an overwhelming number of objections.  WLDC will look at the planning grounds.  A member of the public expressed concerns about the possibility of vermin increasing on the site. 

PA143815-Outline application for erection of up to 4 dwellings, Land to South of Clixby Lane is a resubmission of a previous application for 5 dwellings which was refused and also refused under appeal.  The applicant has now re-applied but for 4 dwellings this time. Concerns were raised about the narrow lane to the site. Vehicles do get stuck on the verge and this will be more problematic with more traffic using the lane. The size of the entrance and the passing places is completely out of character of the village.  Comments are still open for the application as the application has not been determined yet. The parish council will be submitting objections.

Following the concerns raised District Councillor Peter Morris is going to request that the application goes to committee rather than being determined by a planning officer.

A member of the public raised the issues of the oil drilling development on Smithfield Road.  Concerns were raised regarding the increased traffic in the area, lighting, the possibility of a 50m high drilling rig being erected, the impact this will have on the environment.  Another application is soon to be submitted.  This will be the 4th application requesting an extension of time for another year.  She requested that the parish council submit objections to the application again.  There is a Facebook group regarding the application ‘SLS South Kelsey’

76.21     Apologies for absence: None

77.21    Declarations of Interest –None

78.21    The Minutes of 23rd September 2021 - were approved and signed as a true record. 

79.21     Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr Smith had nothing to report.  If there are any issues please contact Cllr Smith.  There are some potholes on the junction of Main Street and A1084 which have been reported on fix my street but have yet to be repaired.  Parking from school traffic is causing an issue on Clixby Lane.  Cllr Smith to report.  He will also report the parking outside the Post Office. The hedge overhanging the pavement opposite the Cross Keys has now been cut. Cllr Smith advised that Highways should visit sites when responding to planning applications.  Cllr Smith to investigate the possibility of having a weight limit on the bridge over Grasby Beck on Station Road.

80.21    West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Morris reported that then new waste depot at Caenby Corner is almost complete.  There will be an additional bin for paper and cardboard.  The price for a green bin will rise to £39.  There will be no funds for the Queens Jubilee.

81.21    Clerk’s report- there are still 2 vacancies available on the parish council. 

82.21    Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme, A1084 Speed Limit and school bus stop- The Community Speed Watch group have now had to change position due to a complaint.  Cllr Wood is struggling to co-ordinate dates and times for the group to go out. A1084 signs are all in place and item can now be removed from the agenda.   No further progress has been made with the school bus stop.  Cllr Smith to speak to the PCSO to monitor parking issues at school drop off and pick up time.  Discussion where had regarding double yellow lines outside the 

83.21    Finance and accounts for payment-

i) Finance: Accounts for payment- 

Resolved to pay:

C Wright – Salary and expenses £213.76
D Williams – Grass cutting £120
S Presly- Defibrillator £66 batteries

(ii) Precept estimate- resolved to precept for £4765.

84.21    Correspondence- all correspondence has been circulated.  

85.21    To discuss email from Heritage Lincolnshire regarding Local Listing Campaign- A list to be generated for the next meeting where it can be discussed further.

86.21         Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Morris advised that funds are available from March 2022.  A steering committee is now needed in order to be able to access the funding.  Leaflets to be distributed at the beginning of January 2022.

87.21   Defibrillator- The defibrillator is now working and being monitored by residents.

88.21 Memorial for Cllr Strange- Item to remain on the agenda.  

89.21. Planning- PA142952- Application for the construction of a fish drying plant, Manor Farm, Clixby- Public consultation underway.  Parish council have submitted objections to the application. PA143567- Application for loft conversion, Bookers Holt, Station Road- parish council to object as the garage appears to be in front of the building line PA143464- application for formation of 2 commercial fishing ponds, land off Grasby Road, Barnetby- parish council’s comments have been submitted and are now online. PA143740- Application to erect 1 dwelling, Salisbury, Main Road- Comments submitted, PA143815-Outline application for erection of up to 4 dwellings, Land to South of Clixby Lane- parish council to submit objections.

90.21    Additional items for the next agenda- nothing additional

91.21    Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 19th January 2022 @7.30

Meeting Closed – 21.32

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.