January 2019 Minutes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Old Blacksmiths, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone (01673) 838151     Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com

Minutes of the Council Meeting held 16th January 2019, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R Bennett, Cllr. Forbes, Cllr Brown, Cllr Harris, Cllr Hallett, Cllr. Turner, Cllr Strange & Clerk

1 member of the public.

01.19    Apologies:–None

02.19    Declarations of Interest –Cllr Brown declared that she is a member of the village hall committee.

03.19    The Minutes of 21st November 2018 - were approved and signed as a true record. 

04.19     Lincolnshire County Council Matters:-Cllr Turner suggested that the council oppose the planning permission for the lodges at the crossing.  Cllrs confirmed that they have opposed the scheme.  Cllr Bennett confirmed PC written in support of lowering the speed limit on the A1084, however the council has opposed the suggested 50mph speed limit at the Grasby cross roads and requested that it is lowered to a maximum of 40mph.

05.19    West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Strange reported WLDC are looking at revamping waste services.  This will take time as they need to work conjunction with the other 6 districts.  Each district currently have different ways of collecting the waste.  There is the possibility of there being a food waste collection in the near future.  The waste would them be turned in to energy.  Lincolnshire residents are no longer able to use North Lincolnshire tips due to the cost.  

06.19    Clerk’s report- Clerk has been on to bank as a statement is missing.  Bank will not send a new one without a signatory requesting.  Clerk to be added as a signatory.

07.19    Highways matters including progress made on A1084 speed limit and safety concerns- PC letter has been submitted to highways.  Automated response has been received but no official response has been sent.  Email sent on 13th December which was the day before the 14th December deadline.  Letter supports the A1084 scheme but asked for 50mph speed limit at the Grasby crossroads to be reconsidered. Cllr Bennett to contact Graeme Butler to discuss when it will be put before the planning and regulations committee.  Cllr Forbes reported that a street light on the A1084 has not been repaired despite having received confirmation that it has been mended. Cllr Forbes to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding passive speed signs.  Cllr Forbes to contact the electricity board who are renewing poles in the village to see if the streetlights will be re-erected. Cllr Strange to also contact Graeme Butler.  Cllr Harris reported Street light on Vicarage Lane is not working.  
08.19    To finalise precept for 2019/20-

Resolved to precept for £5500
09.19    To consider request for grant funding from the Village Hall Committee-

Grant application has been received from the Village Hall Committee.  Resolved to grant £650 to the Village Hall

10.19    Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:

C. Wright, salary and expenses £180.30
Grasby Vliiage Hall Committee £650.00
Balances (most recent statements)

Current account- £0
Reserve account- £8535

11.19    Correspondence- 

(a) Neighbourhood Plan Designation- Acknowledgement from Nev Brown that the designation letter has been received. 

12.19    Planning applications and decisions- PA-138477- Application for 41 holiday lodges, 1 warden’s lodge- land off Brigg Road.  Following the public consultation Grasby Parish Council have submitted their views which can be seen online at the WLDC planning portal.  Planning officer has confirmed that they are still looking at the issues surrounding the flora and fauna on the site.

13.19    Additional items for the next agenda-Neighbourhood Plan, Memorial Bench for Alec Brown, Co-option of new councillor.
14.19    Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 20th March 2019, 7.30pm- 
Meeting Closed –9.02 pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.