March 2019 MInutes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Old Blacksmiths, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone (01673) 838151     Email:

Minutes of the Council Meeting held 20th March 2019, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R Bennett, Cllr Haswell, Cllr. Forbes, Cllr Brown, Cllr Harris, Cllr Hallett, Cllr. Gower-Smith, Cllr Strange & Clerk

0 members of the public.

15.19    Apologies:–None

16.19    Declarations of Interest –None

17.19    The Minutes of 16th January 2019 - were approved and signed as a true record. 

18.19    To co-opt new Councillor- Cllr Forbes proposed K Gower-Smith, Seconded Cllr Harris.  All in agreement.  Resolved K Gower-Smith to be co-opted as Grasby Parish Councillor

19.19     Lincolnshire County Council Matters:-Cllr Strange reported that the speed limit on the A1084 at the Grasby cross-roads will be lowered to 40mph.  He thanked the parish council for all their hard work lobbying and collecting data, in particular Cllr Forbes, Cllr Harris and Cllr Brown.  Rates for WLDC have increased and there is a new chief executive, D Barnes at WLDC.

20.19    West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Strange reported that work on the new crematorium at Gainsborough is underway.  Planning permission has been granted for a new leisure centre in Market Rasen.  WLDC are investing money in property in order to generate income to make up for the decrease in Government support grants.

21.19    Clerk’s report- Clerk has completed forms for internet banking and also to be added as a signatory on the account.  Parish Council election papers were distributed.

22.19    Highways matters including progress made on A1084 speed limit and safety concerns-Speed limit on the A1084 to be reduced to 40mph at the Grasby cross roads.  Cllr Forbes to order a number of passive 30mph signs to place around the village from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. 

23.19    Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:

C. Wright, salary and expenses £193.84
Smith of Derby, Church Clock- £363.60
LALC, Annual Subscriptions- £153.56
Balances (most recent statements)

Current account- £0
Reserve account- £7644.27

24.19    Correspondence- All emails have been circulated

25.19    Memorial For Alec Brown- Resolved to purchase a recycled plastic memorial bench for previous Parish Council chair, Mr Alec Brown. Cllr Haswell to circulate quotes.

26.19    Air quality in the village and the burning of treated wood- Following a number of complaints from parishioners regarding the fumes being emitted from chimneys in the village it was resolved that the clerk to forward Parish Council concerns to WLDC Environmental Protection and Mark Sturgess.

27.19    Neighbourhood Plan- Clerk to contact Nev Brown , Neighbourhood Planning Officer regarding the next steps the council should take regarding the possibility of undertaking a neighbourhood plan.

28.19    Planning applications and decisions- PA-138477- Application for 32 holiday lodges, 1 warden’s lodge- land off Brigg Road- Cllr Bennet to submit parish council’s concerns regarding the proposal.  PA139118- Conversion of single storey outbuilding to form annex accommodation, Grasby Top Farm- PC to support application. PA130097- Application for decking, pergoda and bi-fold doors- Cross Keys- PC to support application.

29.19     To review the council’s policies and procedures:

Resolved to accept the following policies and procedure which are held by the clerk and are available to view:

(a)    Financial Regulations
(b)    Financial Management Policy
(c)    Code of Conduct
(d)    Standing Orders
(e)    Risk Management policy
(f)    Grievance Policy
(g)    Data Protection Policy

13.19    Additional items for the next agenda-Parish Council Communication, Maintenance of the Defibrillator.
14.19    Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 15th May 2019, 7.00pm- Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Council Meeting 
Meeting Closed –9.35 pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.