September 2019 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Old Blacksmiths, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone (01673) 838151 Email:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held 18th September 2019, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr K Gower Smith, Cllr Strange & Clerk
64.19 Apologies for absence: Cllr K Edmondson-Jones, Cllr K Hallett
65.19 Declarations of Interest –none
66.19 The Minutes of 17th July 2019- the minutes were approved and signed as a true record.
67.19 Lincolnshire County Council Matters:-Cllr Strange reported that the A46 at Usselby is undergoing major reconstruction. Signage for the improvements to the A1084 is currently being manufactured. Road closures are posted on the county council website. Cllr Harris suggested that the signage for the road closure at Moortown could be improved as it is currently difficult for larger vehicles to turn around.
68.19 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Strange reported that WLDC are currently financially sound. The Conservative party no longer have a majority as one councillor has retired and Jeff Summers has become an independent Conservative.
69.19 Clerk’s report- Nothing additional to report. All items covered on the agenda.
70.19 Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme and school bus stop- A number of people have volunteered to take part in the community speed watch scheme. Resolved to purchase the necessary equipment and clerk to arrange a date for the training. Following concerns raised regarding safety issues with parking at school drop off and pick up time requests have been received for a designated bus stop. Clerk to contact the road safety partnership. Cllr Brown and Cllr Harris to contact the school to discuss ways safety may be improved.
71.19 Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:
C. Wright, salary and expenses £204.77
D Williams, Grass cutting- £570
Balances (most recent statements)
Current account- £0 Reserve account- £11.136.70
Banking mandate has not been amended as a letter has been received stating that all signatories had not signed the new mandate. Clerk to visit branch.
72.19 Correspondence- Relevant emails have been circulated. Mick Taylor had requested some historical information regarding Grasby Village Hall. Council were unable to assist. A letter had been received from LALC asking for nominations for the County Committee. Resolved not to forward any nominations
73.19 Memorial for Alec Brown- Cllrs awaiting response from Mrs Brown regarding the wording for the plaque to be placed on the bench.
74.19 Grasby Church tree maintenance- 2 Quotes have been received for the church maintenance. Resolved to employ George Coletti to undertake the work
75.19 Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Brown and Cllr Wood to attend a course in October. Item to remain on the agenda.
76.19 Planning applications and decisions- PA139852- no comment to make
77.19 Additional items for the next agenda-none
78.19 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 20th November 7.30pm-
Meeting Closed – 8.55 pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.