November 2019 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Old Blacksmiths, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone (01673) 838151 Email:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held 20th November 2019, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr K Gower-Smith, Cllr Hallett Cllr Edmondson-Jones, Cllr Strange & Clerk
12 members of the public.
PA140148- The land owner reported that an outline planning application had been submitted to WLDC. There are no plans to build more than two dwellings. The size of the dwellings have not been decided upon. The owners of the land are wanting to work with the parishioners to establish what they feel it would be acceptable to build on the plot. A member of the public raised concerns that it was not an appropriate location for housing of any sort. Concerns were raised about drainage, sewerage and highway safety. A full drainage assessment has been carried out on the site. Also, any housing built would be on the edge of the settlement. Concerns were raised that permission for 2 dwellings could lead to further development on the site in the future.
79.19 Apologies for absence: Cllr Turner
80.19 Declarations of Interest –Cllr Hallett declared an interest in item 7- Highways matters.
81.19 The Minutes of 18th September 2019- the minutes were approved and signed as a true record.
82.19 Lincolnshire County Council Matters:- Cllr Strange reported that Lincolnshire CC are financially viable. The Government had extended the use of blue parking badges to people with hidden/non-visible disabilities. The call connect service is running between Louth and Market Rasen 6 times a day. Balfour Beatty have been awarded the highways contract. Lincolnshire County Council, North Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Council are working closely together and improvements to waste services should be seen shortly. A new fire and ambulance station have been built on South Park in Lincoln. Funding has been provided for 50 more police officers. Police to move shortly too. The Lincoln eastern bypass is scheduled to open in May. The Energy from Waste Plant has processed its millionth tonne and has also made a profit providing energy to households.
83.19 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Strange reported that WLDC are currently financially sound. Following a request from a Councillor he said that he would approach WLDC and ask that the dates for green bit collections be extended.
84.19 Clerk’s report- Nothing additional to report. All items covered on the agenda.
85.19 Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme and school bus stop- A number of people have volunteered to take part in the community speed watch scheme. Clerk to contact CSW trainer to suggest 9th December as a potential date for carrying out the training. A1084 improvements are scheduled to be completed. Correspondence had been received stating that it is taking time due to the signage. Cllr Bennett to contact Graeme Butler (road safety partnership) to ask when to expect the new speed limit. The Council discussed the possibility of creating a school bus stop to improve safety. Cllr Harris reported that there is enough room for a bus stop to be created. Councillors to discuss with the headteacher of Grasby School. Cllr Strange said that the school would need to make the request with the Parish Council’s support.
86.19 Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:
C. Wright, salary and expenses £193.77
D Williams, Grass cutting- £114.00
LALC, training- £7.50
LIVES, defibrillator repairs- £53.00
Balances (most recent statements)
Current account- £0 Reserve account- £10325
(b) Due to issues altering the NatWest bank mandate it was unanimously resolved to open a new account with Lloyds Bank.
(c) Following scrutiny of the accounts it was resolved to estimate to precept for £5500
87.19 Correspondence- Relevant emails have been circulated.
88.19 Memorial for Alec Brown- Cllrs awaiting response from Mrs Brown regarding the wording for the plaque to be placed on the bench. Cllr Bennett to contact Mrs Brown.
89.19 Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Brown and Cllr Wood to attended training regarding a developing a neighbourhood plan. Information to be placed on Go-Grasby and the village noticeboard.
90.19 Planning applications and decisions- PA140148- Bentley Lane-Outline Planning to erect 2 dwellings- Parish Council to submit additional comments following the public participation earlier in the evening. Additional comments to make reference to the drainage and sewerage and the potential overlooking on a neighbouring property.
91.19 Additional items for the next agenda-none
92.19 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 15th January 2020
Meeting Closed – 9.50 pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.