January 2023 Minutes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463    Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com

Minutes of the Council Meeting held January 18th, 2023, at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett, Cllr P Grimes, County Councillor T Smith and the clerk.

2 members of the public.

A member of the public expressed concern about school busses running onto the drive at 1 Church Hill and asked if there had been any progress regarding lines being painted on the road.  Cllr T Smith explained that because there had been objections to the plans they must now go the planning and regularity committee.  He was unable to confirm when this might be but stated that he would keep the council informed of any progress.

A member of the public reported that the pump at the Anglian Water treatment plan is very noisy.  This has been reported previously.  Clerk to report to Anglian Water again.

01.23     Apologies for absence: Apologies were accepted from Cllr C Ridgway, Cllr Sarahan, Cllr P Morris

02.23   Declarations of Interest –None

03.23   To co-opt Peter Grimes on to the Parish Council- Cllr Bennett proposed P Grimes be co-opted on to the Parish Council.  Seconded Cllr Brown. 

Resolved P Grimes to be co-opted.

04.23   The minutes of the meeting held 22nd November 2023 - were approved and signed as a true record. 

05.23    Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr T Smith reported that he will contact Anglian Water and Sir Edward Leigh regarding holes in the road.  One hole, possibly a blocked culvert, on Station Road (outside Sunnycroft) has water constantly leaking and when it freezes it is extremely hazardous.  The gritters do not grit the area concerned.

Correspondence regarding the councillor volunteer scheme was discussed. Cllr Bennett to complete an application for the volunteers to clear overgrown vegetation around All Saints Churchyard.        

06.23   West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Morris was unable to attend due to commitments elsewhere.  He provided the following report: 

1.    The inspectors are now considering the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and we hope to have a final report towards the end of February.

2.   Residents are invited to, or renew their subscriptions to the District Council's green bin service in preparation for the 2023 gardening season - there is a sign up link on the home page of our website. The cost remains at £39.00 per bin per year, and the first collection is on Monday the 27th of March.

3.   You all understand that I have been trying to gain access to Barnetby Household waste depot for some time - I have been in correspondence with various people who tell me that because it's in North Lincs we can't have access.  LCC even said that we could have access, but it would cost £171 per household for a permit which would allow 12 visits per year. Cllr Morris to take a  petition to houses in the local villages to try to initiate a change.   

7.23   Clerk’s report- nothing additional to report that was not listed on the agenda.

08.23   Highways Matters-Cllr T Smith to let the council know when the plan for the no waiting lines in the village will go before the planning and regulatory committee. 

Resolve to purchase the SID from Elan City following their quote. The total cost will be £2700.

09.23   Finance and accounts for payment-

a) Finance: Accounts for payment- 

Payments for approval: 

Resolved to pay:
C Wright – Salary and expenses £232.70   

b) Following scrutiny of the accounts is was resolves to submit a final precept request for £4765 for 2023/24.   
10.23   Neighbourhood Plan Update – Cllr J Brown and the Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group reported to the council that they had met last week.  Terms of reference for have been drawn up and circulated.  It was resolved to accept the terms of reference.  

The steering group have a large amount of information that will need collecting. The next step will be to complete a grant application for funding.  A number of consultants have been approached and the group will need to consider which consultant they feel would be best suited to help Grasby with their plan.  The new Central Lincolnshire plan will be published soon and Grasby will be able to able to base parts of their plan on that.

Clerk to apply to the ordinance survey for a license to enable the neighbourhood plan group to use OS maps freely.

11.23   May 2023 Elections- 

Election is on the 4th May. The clerk has circulated an email regarding an online training session being held by WLDC regarding the 2023 elections.

12.23   Notification of external auditor appointment

PKF Littlejohn has been appointed as the external auditor.
13.23     Memorial for Cllr Strange- No further progress has been made. Item to remain on the agenda.

14.23   Planning applications & decisions: PA146028- Station Road, application for approval of reserved matters following outline permission-no comments to make , PA145660- 6 Clixby Lane, application for extension-granted.

15.23        Parish Council email addresses

The clerk reminded all councillors that they should have a separate email for parish council business.

16.23   Additional items for the next agenda- none.

17.23   Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 15th March 2023 at the Village Hall.  The meeting will commence at 7.30pm.  The public forum will commence at 7.15 pm.

18.23    To resolve to move into closed session.

Resolved to move in to closed session.

19.23    To discuss grass cutting tenders

It was resolved to award the tender to D Williams.  Clerk to contact all contractors who quoited for the work.                     

Meeting Closed – 8.53pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.