March 2023 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held March 15th, 2023, at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr J Brown, County Councillor T Smith, District Councillor P Morris and the clerk.
2 members of the public.
20.23 Apologies for absence: Apologies were accepted from Cllr P Grimes, Cllr A Sarahan, Cllr K Hallett
21.23 Declarations of Interest –Cllr Harris declared an interest in, PA146265- The Grange, listed building consent to install wood burning stove.
22.23 The minutes of the meeting held 18th January 2023 - were approved and signed as a true record.
23.23 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr T Smith reported the appeal for the Smithfield Road, oil drilling has been confirmed as 14th June. The large pothole on Station Road is going to be repaired by Angilan Water. It is not a LCC matter. Cllr Smith to investigate how much longer the repair will take. Council tax will increase by 5% (additional 2% for adult care). Grasby parish council have put in a bid to the council volunteer scheme for the church yard to be cleared and village signs to be cleaned. The bid has been successful. Nothing further has been heard regarding the yellow lines. School zig zags have been re-painted.
24.23 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr P Morris reported that at the budget meeting the precept was approved at 2.99%. There is not much to report due to the forthcoming elections. Cllr Morris has been petitioning the local are regarding using the local tip at Barnetby.
25.23 Clerk’s report- maps/ website, grass cutting?
26.23 Highways Matters- Cllr Harris asked about the process regarding road closures. Last week between Grasby and Elsham there were 4 routes closed. Cllr Smith stated that the closures would be determined by LCC. He did not know if LCC and North Lincs are in contact with each other. The signage is not easy to read when travelling. Cllr Smith to forward all prior notifications he receives for the area. The SID has now been delivered. Graeme Butler will contact the council to confirm when the the new pole will be erected. He is due to retire 17th March but has said he will return to set the sign up.
27.23 Finance and accounts for payment-
a) Finance: Accounts for payment-
Payments for approval:
Resolved to pay:
C Wright – Salary and expenses £232.70
Smith of Derby Clock service- £327.60
LALC annual subscriptions- £158.40
Balance: Business Reserve Account: £9261.12
28.23 Neighbourhood Plan Update – the steering group met 14th March. The plan is beginning to progress slowly. The current funding system ends in March 2023. Cllr Morris to speak to Nev Brown at WLDC to confirm what will happen regarding funding after this date. There will be monthly meeting held in the parish room. Cllr Morris stated that he will attend future meetings. The next meeting will be held 18th April. Grasby to approach Searby and Owmby discuss the plan. Tim Phipps to be invited to the next meeting. Group are currently discussing ways to engage the local community.
29.23 May 2023 Elections- Information regarding the elections has been posted on the noticeboard. Anyone wishing to be a councillor can request an application pack. Current Grasby Councillors were provided with a pack of nomination papers.
30.23 Memorial for Cllr Strange- No further progress has been made. Item to remain on the agenda.
31.23 Planning applications & decisions: PA146028- Station Road, application for approval of reserved matters following outline permission-approved , PA146308- Five Gables, retrospective application for single storey extension- no objection although the parish council are not happy the application has been put in retrospectively, PA146265- The Grange, listed building consent to install wood burning stove- no comment, PA146226- Owmby Wold Lane- application to erect 1 paragraph 80 dwelling, parish council to object.
32.23 Additional items for the next agenda- none.
33.23 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 17th May 2023 at the Village Hall. The Annual Parish meeting will commence at The Annual Council Meeting will commence at 7.30pm.
Meeting Closed – 9.24pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.