November 2023 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463
Minutes of the Council Meeting held November 15th 2023, at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr J Brown, Cllr. P Grimes and the clerk.
County Councillor Cllr T Smith
District Councillor Cllr P Morris
7 members of the public.
Public forum- three members of the public attended to express concerns regarding the state of the village footpaths and highways. It was reported that a number of people have fallen, some incurring broken bones. Recent flooding has made the problem even worse. The lack of street lighting was also a cause for concern. County Councillor T Smith said he will arrange a meeting with Richard Fenwick from LCC Highways, in the village, to show him how bad the roads and footpaths are. The parish clerk will also report to LCC Highways. Speeding traffic in the village was also raised as a concern.
Two members of the public raised concerns regarding PA147218 and the lack of detail in the application to be able to make an informed decision. The applicant was also present and although he did address concerns regarding existing trees on the plot, stating that they would remain, he would not answer further questions. The chair had to call time on the public section of the meeting when the applicant became combative.
75.23 Apologies for absence: None
76.23 Declarations of Interest –None
77.23 The minutes of the meeting held 20th September 2023 - were approved and signed as a true record.
78.23 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - following on from the public participation, Cllr T Smith confirmed he will contact Richard Fenwick from LCC Highways to ask for an onsite meeting in Grasby. The current priorities are highways and drainage rather than footpaths. The County Council does have a limited budget.
79.23 West Lindsey District Council Matters: -Cllr P Morris reported that since the change of administration there has been little to report. The cost of green bins has risen to £44 per year.
80.23 Clerk’s report- nothing additional to report that is not covered on the agenda.
81.23 Highways Matters- It was resolved to purchase a further SID to place on the A1084. Traffic does appear to be slowing down when the existing sign is activated. Cllrs. Grimes and Harris to download the statistics from the SID for review. It was raised that occasionally the signs for the pub obscure the vision at the crossroads. Cllr. Grimes to call into the pub to make them aware. The new proposed waiting areas and bus stop for the village have been circulated and are now out for consultation. Clerk to confirm with Highways that Grasby Parish Council are now happy with the plans. The 30mph speed limit on Station Road has not been extended yet but is due to be. Cllr T Smith was not sure how much longer it will be before the signs are moved. Following issues raised in the public consultation the clerk will contact LCC Highways regarding the state of the village highways and footpaths. County Councillor Smith to also follow up.
82.23 Finance –
(a) Confirmation of changes to payroll.
Clerk to now be paid monthly rather than bi-monthly. Clerk receives payment for 2.5 hours work per week and claims £10 expenses for broadband/phone, mileage allowance and expenses for any additional costs incurred e.g., stationery, postage etc
(b) Schedule of payments and receipts:
(i) HMRC, PAYE- £37
(ii) C Wright, salary October- £142
(iii) C Wright, salary November- £142
(iv) C Wright, expenses October & November- £33.50
(v) M Williams, Grass cutting- £132
(vi) Mr & Mrs Bennett, daffodil bulbs (grant funded)- £97.92 + £89.76
(c) Precept estimate 2024/25
Following scrutiny of the accounts it was resolved to increase the precept to £5400. The increase is due to inflationary price rises.
83.23 Neighbourhood Plan Update – Chris Mead reported that the plan is now underway, and the surveys received are being evaluated. He had attended the recent Searby Parish Meeting to update on the progress made to date. A number of consultants have been contacted. One has confirmed they intend to quote for the work. The next Neighbourhood Plan meeting will be held on 29th November in the Village Hall.
84.23 Planning applications & decisions: PA147517, Replacement of 17.5m Elara monopole, Brigg Road, Grasby- no objections. PA147218- Application for approval of reserved matters to erect 1 dwelling following outline permission PA141203, parish council to contact the planning officer Richard Green for further details to enable them to make a more informed decision about any comments they may wish to make.
85.23 Correspondence:
An email concerning the state of the roads in the village was discussed earlier in the meeting.
Cllr J Harris volunteers to attend the online parish council engagement session with the police.
Resolved to apply to the County Council volunteer scheme and ask them to consider clearing the overgrown footpath on the main road and also put some gravel down on the Wilmore Road-Bentley Lane footpath.
86.23 Additional items for the next agenda- final precept demand.
87.23 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 17th January 2024 at the Village Hall. Public participation to commence at 7.15pm followed by the Council meeting at 7.30pm
Meeting Closed – 9.25pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.