September 2024 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held Wednesday 18th September 2024, at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr J Brown, Cllr S Riley, Cllr C Mead and the clerk.
District Councillor Cllr P Morris, County Councillor T Smith
0 members of the public.
Public forum- no members of the public attended
65.24 Apologies for absence: Cllr J Harris & Cllr P Grimes
66.24 Declarations of Interest –None
67.24 The minutes of the meeting held 17th July 2024 - were approved and signed as a true record.
68.24 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr T Smith reported that he has been in contact with Anglian Water regarding a leak on Front Street. This will be repaired in the near future. The footpath on Station Road needs resurfacing. Cllr Smith to report. He will also contact highways to find out when the pole for the additional SIDS will be erected. It was noted that the double yellow lines seem to have improved the parking issues.
69.24 West Lindsey District Council Matters: -Cllr P Morris reported that from April 2026 households will have an additional bin for food waste. This will initially be funded by the government.
70.24 Clerk’s report- nothing additional to report that is not covered on the agenda
71.24 Highways Matters- The pole for the new SIDS has not been erected yet. A letter has been received about concerns regarding parking on Vicarage Lane due to the new yellow lines. This has not been a problem to date. Parish councils have been offered a 1 tonne bag of grit for the winter. Grasby does not have anywhere to store one. The grit bins will be checked to see if they need topping up.
72.24 Finance –
(a) Schedule of payments and receipts:
(i) C Wright, salary August- £142
(ii) C Wright, salary September- £142
(iii) C Wright, expenses August and September- £30
(iv) M Williams, grass cutting- £264
(v) Groundwork UK, NP Grant- £9993
73.24 Correspondence- A letter had been received regarding dog fouling. It was resolved to place some signs around the village reminding people to pick up after their dogs.
74.24 Neighbourhood Plan Update – Cllr Mead reported that the plan now progressing quite swiftly. The grant which was applied for has been secured. Technical support for assessments has been secured. Meetings to discuss sites are taking place with consultants. A draft plan has been discussed and the next steps are being considered. The call for sites needs to be discussed with residents. A local farmer has been discussing their plans for re-wilding with the group and is going to provide species information for the plan. Cllr Mead to forward details for the plan to the Central Lincolnshire Design Code Consultation.
75.24 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Morris passed on the details for the WLDC Broadband Officer.
76.24 Planning applications & decisions: Minerals and Waste Consultation has been circulated. WL/2024/00711-Land off Station Road, Grasby, application for change of use of land- no objections. Council to submit comments regarding the planting of native hedging.
77.24 Parish Council Website: Cllr Riley has undertaken some training with Pete Langford at LALC. It was resolved to pay for additional 1:1 sessions.
78.24 Additional items for the next agenda- none
78.24 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 20th November 2024 at the Village Hall. Public participation to commence at 7.15pm followed by the Council meeting at 7.30pm
Meeting Closed – 21.12 pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.