January 2020 Minutes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Old Blacksmiths, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone (01673) 838151   Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com

Minutes of the Council Meeting held 15th January 2020, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett Cllr Edmondson-Jones, Cllr G Smith & Clerk

1 member of the public.

A member of the public asked if the \parish Council were able to contact Northern Powergrid to see when the electrical work will be completed in the village.  Cllr Wood had already spoken to the project manager who had explained that due to needing the give sufficient notice for road closures and also being unable to turn the electricity off for more than 2 hours per day at this time of year, the work is unlikely to be completed before April.

A member of the public requested that the council report potholes on Station Road.  Cllr Edmondson-Jones reported them immediately on the fixmystreet website.

01.20    Apologies for absence: Cllr Strange, Cllr K Gower-Smith

02.20    Declarations of Interest –Cllr Brown declared that she is a member of the Village Hall Trust.  Cllr Edmondson- Jones declared and interest in item 14 on the agenda-planning applications and decisions.

03.20    To co-opt G Smith on to the council- Cllr Forbes proposed G Smith be co-opted, Seconded Cllr Edmondson-Jones.  All in agreement.  Resolved G Smith to be co-opted as Grasby Parish Councillor

04.20    The Minutes of 20th November - were approved and signed as a true record. 

05.20   Lincolnshire County Council Matters:- Cllr Turner not present.

06.20    West Lindsey District Council Matters: - apologies had been received from Cllr Strange

07.20    Clerk’s report- Nothing additional to report.  All items covered on the agenda.

08.20    Request for grant from Village Hall Committee- Resolved to grant village hall committee £650 to cover insurance and some of the rates.

09.20    Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme and school bus stop- Cllr Wood reported that the Community Speed Watch training had been undertaken and sites have been identified for carrying out the speed watch.  Resolved to purchase the necessary equipment.  Final cost to be investigated.  Cllr Brown and Cllr Harris reported that they had had a productive meeting with the school regarding parking.  School had agreed to work with the children and Road Safety Partnership to put together a proposal for a bus stop and safety zone. Cllr J Brown to contact the school to follow up on key points.  A representative from TJ Coaches to attend the March meeting.

10.20    Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:

C. Wright, salary and expenses £201.05
Community Speed Watch Equipment- TBC
Village Hall Grant- £650
Balances (most recent statements 03.01.2020)
Current account- £0            Reserve account- £9960.67
(b)    Clerk currently Trying to open an account with Lloyds Bank.  Difficulties had arisen due to clerk having used mobile phone number on a different account with Lloyds Bank.

(c)    Resolved to precept for £5500

11.20    Correspondence- Relevant emails have been circulated. 

12.20    Memorial for Alec Brown-   Cllrs awaiting response from Mrs Brown regarding the wording for the plaque to be placed on the bench.  Cllr Bennett to contact Mrs Brown.

13.20    Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Brown and Cllr Wood attended neighbourhood Plan training.  Clerk to contact Janet Clarke from Community Lincs to ask her to attend a meeting in order to get the process started.

14.20    Planning applications and decisions- PA140148- Bentley Lane-Outline Planning to erect 2 dwellings- awaiting decision.  APP/N2535/W/19/3237412- Erection of single story dwelling, Main Street- appeal refused.  

15.20    Additional items for the next agenda-Climate Change Emergency- Cllr Edmondson- Jones
16.20    Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 18th March 2020
Meeting Closed – 8.55pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.