March 2020 Minutes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Old Blacksmiths, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone 07890 238463     Email:

Minutes of the Council Meeting held 18th March 2020, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett, Cllr G Smith & Clerk

17.20    Apologies for absence: Cllr Strange, Cllr K Gower-Smith, Cllr K Edmondson-Jones

18.20    Declarations of Interest –Cllr Brown declared that she is a member of the Village Hall Trust.  

19.20    The Minutes of 15th January - were approved and signed as a true record. 

20.20     Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr Turner not present.  He has emailed the clerk to say he will not be attending meetings but is available to help and to contact him by email.

21.20    West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Strange had sent a written report covering County and District matters.  In summary, WLDC have a new leader Cllr G Mcneill.  Mark Sturgess has retired and Ian Knowles is the chief operating officer.  The local central plan is being revised.  The leisure centre at Market Rasen is well on the way to being completed.  The new crematorium at Gainsborough is operating.  Plans are being drawn for a new medical centre with 26 homes at Caistor and also at Keelby.

22.20    Clerk’s report- Nothing additional to report.  All items covered on the agenda.

23.20    Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme and school bus stop- A representative from the school and bus company had been due to attend the meeting to discuss school parking.  However, due to the corona virus outbreak plans were changed.  Cllr Harris and Cllr Brown had met with the head teacher who had been very receptive and are now moving forward with the Safer Road Partnership.  Cllr Harris to contact the school again for further discussions regarding a dedicated bus stop once the current situation with the corona virus has subsided.

24.20    Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:

C. Wright, salary and expenses £201.05
LALC, annual subscriptions- £154.95

Smiths of Derby, Church Clock- £294.00
Balances (most recent statements 03.01.2020)
Current account- £0            Reserve account- £9112.75
(b)    Banking Mandate and Internet Banking- currently on hold.

25.20    Correspondence- Relevant emails have been circulated. Following an email regarding the yellow post box at the village hall is has been comfirmed that mail is collected from the box. 

26.20    Memorial for Alec Brown- Resolved clerk to order the memorial bench and plaque to be added following confirmation regarding the wording.

27.20    Climate Change Emergency- Cllr Edmondson-Jones- item deferred.  Cllr Edmondson- Jones unable to attend the meeting due to advice regarding social distancing.

28.20    Neighbourhood Plan- Item deferred. Janet Clarke from Community Lincs unable to attend due to corona virus.

29.20    Corona Virus/Neighbourhood help scheme- Cllr Wood to design flyers for a letter-box drop asking parishioners if they need help or are able to help vulnerable people. GoGrasby to also be used. 

30.20    Planning applications and decisions- PA140151- Station Road-Outline Planning to erect 2 dwellings- no objections.  PA140577-Application to erect single storey dwelling- PC to object as they can see no material change from the original application and part of the application appears to be encroaching on the highway verge. PA140148- Bentley Lane, application to erect 2 dwellings- granted.

31.20    Additional items for the next agenda-
40.20    Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 20th May 2020
Meeting Closed – 8.53pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.