November 2020 Minutes

Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463      Email:


Minutes of the Council Meeting held 18 November 2020, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett & Clerk

69.20     Apologies for absence: None

70.20      Declarations of Interest –Cllr Wood declared an interest in PA141834

71.20     The Minutes of 16 September 2020 - were approved and signed as a true record.

72.20     Lincolnshire County Council Matters: -None

73.20     West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Howitt Cowan not present- there will be an additional green bin collection.

74.20     Clerk’s report- Cllr Kelly Gower-Smith has resigned from the Parish Council.  WLDC have been informed.

75.20     Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme, A1084 Speed Limit and school bus stop-.

Community Speed Watch have been out once prior to lock down.  More volunteers are needed.

A1084- nothing further from Graeme Butler or LCC.  Cllr Wood to write to Sir Edward Leigh to complain about the lack of progress.

A meeting was held between the school, parish council and TJs coaches regarding a school bus stop.  The school was going to contact the Road Safety Partnership and report back but there has been nothing to date.  Cllr Harris to contact the school to see if they have heard anything.  Cars are parking on the corner of 1 Church Hill (Vicarage Lane/ Church Hill) causing a safety issue for PCs coaches.  Cllr Bennett to report to the highways.           

76.20     Finance and accounts for payment -

a) Finance: Accounts for payment-

Payments for approval:

M Williams- Grass Cutting – £120.00

C Wright – Salary and expenses £183.92

C Robinson- Installation of memorial bench- £175.00

Precept estimate 2021/22.

Resolved to precept for £4765

77.20     Correspondence- all correspondence has been circulated.   Cllr Brown has had a thank you card for the donation to the village hall.

78.20     Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Brown and Cllr Wood have designed a flyer to circulate regarding the neighbourhood plan.

79.  Memorial for Cllr Strange- Cllr Wood proposed that an information board for the village would be a fitting memorial for Cllr \strange.  Cllr Wood to investigate options.

80.20   Planning applications and decisions-  Planning applications and decisions- PA141834-Wold House- application to erect extension- no objections. PA141867- Land at Berkley House, Station Road- application to erect 2 dwellings- PC to object on the grounds of highways issues- lack of visibility/access on to the highway, overcrowding and overlooking of other properties.  The parish council commented that the site would be more suitable for 1 dwelling. PA141817- Land to north of Bentley Lane- application to erect 1 dwelling- parish council to object on the grounds that it is out of proportion for the size of the plot, it is twice the size of the original plan and there is very little detail regarding the materials to be used, there is no gap between the building and the boundary of the plot and the proposed dwelling is not within keeping with the houses nearby. PA141773 Field adjacent to Willow Pond, Station Road- application to erect 2 dwellings- no objections but PC to request that the dwellings are in keeping- materials and design- general vernacular of the village with the rest of the village PA141429- Land to South of Clixby Lane, application for 5 dwellings- refused

81.20     Additional items for the next agenda-

82.20     Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 20 January 2021 7.30pm- plan to meet remotely.

Meeting Closed – 9.33pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.