September 2020 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held 16th September 2020, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett, Cllr Gower-Smith, Cllr P Howitt Cowan & Clerk
54.20 Apologies for absence: Cllr Turner
55.20 Declarations of Interest –Cllr Smith declared an interest in PA141203
56.20 The Minutes of 15th July 2020 - were approved and signed as a true record.
57.20 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: -None
58.20 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Howitt Cowan not present.
59.20 Clerk’s report- Cllr Smith and Cllr Edmondson-Jones have resigned from the parish council. A meeting with Janet Clark and Nev Brown has been organised for 30th September at 7pm to discuss ways forward with a neighbourhood plan.
60.20 Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme, A1084 Speed Limit and school bus stop-.
Cllr Wood reported that the community speed watch scheme has stalled as LCC will not undertake any training at present. Cllr Wood to contact the community speed watch co-ordinator to discuss how to progress during these un-precedented times.
Cllr Bennett and the clerk have contacted Graeme Butler regarding the speed limit on the A1084. This has still not progressed. Resolved to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety partnership again to ask if there is a planned date for time scale. Clerk to seek advice from Cllr Howitt-Cowan
School Bus Stop- virtual meeting to be held on 29th September with the school’s Headteacher and representative from TJs coaches to discuss the proposal for a school bus stop and ways to make parking outside the school safer. Request for safety measures must come from the school. Resolved Cllr Harris to confirm meeting with the school.
61.20 Finance and accounts for payment-
a) Finance: Accounts for payment-
Payments made between meetings:
M Williams- Grass Cutting – £240
Smith’s of Derby- Church clock repair- £180
(b) Payments for approval:-
Resolved to pay:
M Williams- Grass Cutting £240.00
C Wright – Salary and expenses £199.07
Cassels Accountants- annual audit £72.00
Banking mandate- Clerk has re-submitted the banking mandate to update signatories.
62.20 Correspondence- A letter has been received regarding an overgrown hedge on the A1084. Clerk to contact highways to say inform them that it is becoming an obstruction.
63.20 Memorial for Alec Brown- Memorial bench has arrived. Cllr Bennett to contact Mrs Brown regarding the wording for the plaque.
64.20 Neighbourhood Plan- Meeting arranged with Janet Clark and Nev. Brown.
65.20 Parish Council Website- Clerk has attended training regarding the website. Old website to be switched off. Clerk to populate new website.
66.20 Memorial for Cllr Strange- item to remain on the agenda.
67.20 Planning applications and decisions- PL/0068/20- land to East of Smithfield Road- granted, PL0067/20-Land to East of Smithfield Road- granted, PA141429- Land to South of Clixby Lane, application for 5 dwellings- parish council objection comments submitted PA141203- Land to the rear 11 Clixby Lane, application to erect 1 dwelling- granted.
67.20 Additional items for the next agenda- Church clock maintenance, precept estimate
68.20 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 18th November 7.30pm 2020- plan to meet remotely.
Meeting Closed – 9.13pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.