July 2020 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the Council Meeting held 15th July 2020, at 6.00 pm at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett, Cllr Gower-Smith, Cllr Edmondson-Jones, Cllr G Smith, Cllr P Howitt Cowan & Clerk
12 members of the public
At the start of the meeting there was a 1 minutes silence to remember District Councillor Strange
A member of the public asked the parish council to consider objecting to Egdon’s application to a further extension PL/0067/20 and PL/0068/20. A number of local residents also expressed concerns about increased traffic, lighting, noise and the environmental impact of the application and asked that the Parish Council support them and object to the applications.
A member of the public also asked why the Parish Council had not commented on PA140151 and PA141065. Cllr Bennett explained that the council has considered the application at the March meeting. With WLDC’s policy in mid that the village must see 10% growth the council thought that it seemed a feasible site and no objections were raised at the meeting. A member of the public asked if the parish council had not noticed the inaccuracies in the applications or objected on the grounds of the entrance being unsafe. Cllr Bennett stated that these were issues for WLDC and Highways to consider. No members of the public attended the March meeting where one of the applications was on the agenda or contacted the clerk to raise concerns until after the application had been passed. The agenda for the March meeting had been publicised on the village notice board as is the norm. It was agreed that the Parish Council will contact WLDC to ensure that they are consulted when reserved matters applications are submitted. Cllr Wood also mentioned that there is a need for a Neighbourhood Plan in the village which would prevent building in places residents are opposed to. Volunteers will be needed to help with the plan.
41.20 Apologies for absence: Cllr Turner
42.20 Declarations of Interest –Cllr Smith declared an interest in PA141203
43.20 The Minutes of 18th March 2020 - were approved and signed as a true record.
44.20 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr Turner not present. He has emailed the clerk to say he will not be attending meetings but is available to help and to contact him by email.
45.20 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Howitt Cowan circulated ‘Keeping Connected.’ Currently 80% of WLDC staff are working from home. This is working well and also saving the rate payer approx. £10,000 per month. The council has incurred £3m costs due to the Covid 19 which hadn’t been budgeted for as it was an unforeseen. Central government have given £1.19m and WLDC have requested the difference but as yet not received a reply. The new crematorium at Gainsborough is doing well commercially. The rest of WLDC’s commercial portfolio is being carefully monitored. Cllr Howitt Cowan also stated that devolution in Lincolnshire is being looked at again.
46.20 Clerk’s report- Nothing additional to report. All items covered on the agenda.
47.20 Highways Matters including community speed watch scheme, A1084 Speed Limit and school bus stop-.
Cllr Brown has purchased the community speed watch equipment and a refresher is needed on how to use it. Cllr Harris has contacted the school to request an update regarding the school bus stop and the parish council expressed dismay that work has not begun on the A1084 safety improvements and lower speed limit at the cross roads.
48.20 Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:
Cllr. J Brown- Community Speed Watch equipment- £TBC awaiting 1 further invoice.
Marmax- Memorial bench for Alec Brown- £412.80
Payments made between meetings:
M Williams- Grass Cutting - £240
C Wright- Salary & Expenses (May) £175.06
Zurich insurance-£167.92
M Williams- Grass cutting- £480
M Williams- Grass cutting £240
C Wright- Salary & Expenses (July) £180.5
Balances (most recent statements 03.01.2020)
Current account- £0 Reserve account- £13546.07
(b) Banking Mandate and Internet Banking- Resolved 2 signatures to go to NatWest to resolve the issues.
(c) Annual return for the year ending 31st March 2020
The clerk presented the year end accounting statements prepared to proper accounting practices for the period 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020. Thanks to the internal auditor P Yarnell at Cassells, Market Rasen.
(a) To approve the Annual Governance Statement
(b) To approve the Accounting Statement for the period
49.20 Correspondence- A letter from C Cavanaugh was received and her comments noted. The planning applications had been discussed in detail during public participation time. The Cllrs took on board the comments and resolved to contact WLDC to ensure that further applications for reserved matters are forwarded to the clerk. Relevant emails have been circulated. Following an email regarding the yellow post box at the village hall is has been comfirmed that mail is collected from the box.
50.20 Memorial for Alec Brown- Resolved to purchase bench.
51.20 Planning applications and decisions- PA140151 –Station Road- Planning application to erect 2 dwellings-Granted PA140577-Sailsbury- Main Street- application to erect single storey dwelling- refused. PA141065- land at Station Road- application to erect 3 dwellings- refused. PA141203- Land to the rear 11 Clixby Lane, application to erect 1 dwelling- the Cllrs noted that there is little detail provided on the application as it is for outline planning. The plan doesn’t show the position of the proposed dwelling on the site and concerns were raised as to whether it would extend the building line. However it was noted that it is in line with another dwelling and the building line isn’t clearly defined. The applicant explained that he planned to build a modest 1.5 storey property on the slope which would not dominate the site. Following discussions it was resolved not to object to the application.
52.20 Additional items for the next agenda- PC website, neighbourhood plan, Memorial for Cllr Strange
53.20 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 16th September 2020- plan to meet remotely.
Meeting Closed – 7.46pm
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.