January 2022 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone 01673 838151 Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the Council Meeting held 19th January 2022, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr K Hallett & The Clerk
District Councillor P Morris
County Councillor T Smith
6 members of the public
A member of the public had sent a letter asking the Parish Council to support tree planting for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy. Following discussions it was decided that the clerk should contact highways to establish who owns the verges on Station Road and Clixby Lane and find out if owned by highways if permission would be granted for planting trees. Cllr Morris also said he would try to establish who owns the village green in Grasby.
It was suggested that a Jubilee Committee should be formed so that all sectors of the village could be involved and represented. Cllr Morris reported that grants of £750 are available from WLDC to put towards Jubilee celebrations.
Cllr Bennett reported that he had contacted the planning officer, Richard Green, regarding PA142952, Proposed Fish Drying plant. The application is due to go to committee 2nd March but WLDC are awaiting further information from the applicant and it will not be put before the committee until all information is received and the report is finalised.
A member of the public asked the parish council consider objecting to – PL/0168/21- To vary condition 1(development cease date) and condition 2 (approved documents and drawings) of PA141307- Land to East of Smithfield Road, North Kelsey. PL/0167/21 to vary conditions of PA141306, Land to East of Smithfield Road, North Kelsey. Following discussions it was resolved that the Parish Council would object to the application as extensions have been granted numerous times previously (permission was originally granted 7years ago) and work still hasn’t commenced. This is very difficult for people living in the area and it has made it difficult to sell properties in the area.
01.22 Apologies for absence: None
02.22 Declarations of Interest –None
03.22 The Minutes of 17th November 2021 - were approved and signed as a true record.
04.22 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr Smith had written to the clerk prior to the meeting requesting the Parish Council’s idea for where double yellow lines may benefit the village. A request for double yellow lines round Vicarage Lane has been submitted and will be assessed in due course. A campaign has been launched to restore the £12m funding cut from central government for pothole repairs. Details of the campaign can be found at www.writetothem.com.
05.22 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Morris reported that he is due to attend the first meeting in 2 years (since lockdown) at the Guildhall. There is some online training available for councillors which he will circulate.
06.22 Clerk’s report- there are still 2 vacancies available on the parish council.
07.22 Highways Matters – There is a road closure, Church Hill and 50metres south of Wilmore Lane, commencing on 24th due to work being undertaken on the sewerage. Cllr Harris reported that the new LED lighting on Vicarage Lane does not illuminate the area as well as the old lighting and half the road is now in darkness.
08.22 Finance and accounts for payment-
i) Finance: Accounts for payment-
Resolved to pay:
C Wright – Salary and expenses £213.76
Smith of Derby, Church clock service- £312
(ii) Final precept request- resolved to request £4765 precept.
09.22 Correspondence- all correspondence has been circulated.
10.22 Platinum Jubilee Community Fund- There is a fund available (as discussed during public participation) to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was resolved to advertise for volunteers to set up a Jubilee Committee to discuss how funds should be spent.
11.22 To finalise list for Heritage Lincolnshire regarding Local Listing Campaign- Cllr Wood had prepared a list which included Cross Keys Pub, Reading Room Cottage, field on Clixby Lane. Cllr Wood to finalise list and forward to the clerk for submission.
12.22 Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Morris advised that funds are available from March 2022. A steering committee is now needed in order to be able to access the funding. Flyers have not been circulated due to Covid outbreak in the village. They will now be delivered.
13.22 Memorial for Cllr Strange- Cllr Wood has begun drafting an information board about Grasby for the memorial. She reported that it has also been suggested that the Parish Council could purchase an old red telephone box to turn into a mini information centre for the village.
14.22 Planning- PL/0168/21- To vary condition 1(development cease date) and condition 2 (approved documents and drawings) of PA141307- Land to East of Smithfield Road, North Kelsey. PL/0167/21 to vary conditions of PA141306, Land to East of Smithfield Road, North Kelsey. Parish council to object to extension. PA142952- Application for the construction of a fish drying plant, Manor Farm, Clixby- planning officer awaiting further details from applicant. PA143567- Application for loft conversion, Bookers Holt, Station Road- granted, PA143740- Application to erect 1 dwelling, Sailsbury, Main Road- Comments submitted, PA143815-Outline application for erection of up to 4 dwellings, Land to South of Clixby Lane- refused
90.21 Additional items for the next agenda- nothing additional
91.21 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 16th March 2022 @7.30
Meeting Closed – 21.38