July 2022 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RJ
Telephone 07890 238463 Email: grasbyparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held July 20th 2022, at 7.30pm at Grasby Village Hall
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, , Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, Cllr Hallett, Cllr A Sarahan District Councillor P Morris County Councillor T Smith and the clerk.
1 member of the public
50.22 Apologies for absence: John Harris
51.22 Declarations of Interest –None
52.22 The minutes of the meeting held 17th May 2022 - were approved and signed as a true record.
53.22 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr T Smith has met with Highways Officers- to be discussed under Highways item on the agenda. Some potholes near the pub have been filled. Two potholes have been missed. Cllr Smith to report- appears to be on the system and work has been scheduled. An enforcement letter has been sent to landowners regarding overgrown hedge on the A1084 main road.
54.22 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Teething problems with new bin system appears to have settled down. The Chief Executive of WLDC will be carrying out a ward visit later in the year- planned for September. Please pass on any issues to Cllr Morris to raise. Cllr Brown asked about sand which has appeared on Station Road where fishing ponds have been dug. Cllr Morris to raise with WLDC planning.
55.22 Clerk’s report- VAT reclaim has been sent in. Money from Cllr Initiative Fund has not been received. Cllr Morris confirmed the application has been granted.
56.22 Highways Matters- Request to review the 30mph limit at the bottom of Station Road further out of the village. Cllr Smith reported that it is unusual for a road to go from 60mph to 30mph. An Archer Survey could be requested. Cllr Hallett suggested that the Council could purchase some interactive SID device. Cllr Wood asked if the whole village could be limited to 20mph. Cllr T Smith to check.
Community Speed watch hasn’t been out on the A1084 recently as traffic is travelling so fast. Simon Hart from LCC has emailed results from a recent Archer Survey on A1084 stating that speed cameras will not be deployed on the road.
57.22 Finance and accounts for payment-
a) Finance: Accounts for payment-
Payments for approval:
Resolved to pay
C Wright – Salary and expenses £232.70
b) Accounts paid between meeting:
M Williams- Grass cutting- £240
58.22 Correspondence- proposed waiting restrictions in vicinity of school- letter from LCC- Councillors discussed amendments. Cllr Brown to amend plan and circulate for agreement prior to submission to LCC and Cllr T Smith. Cllr Smith has a meeting with LCC following Cllr Harris’s very detailed letter.
Ref: NH/850, Nettleton Parish Council, scoping opinion EIA/30/22- Grasby Parish Council have noted the concerns of Caistor and Nettleton Councils and concur with their views.
59.22 Neighbourhood Plan - Cllrs Brown and Wood have consulted with Janet Clarke and Nev Brown. Janet has suggested that the council needs to employ a consultant. There are currently some areas of confusion. Cllr Morris to contact Nev Brown to request further support.
60.22 Memorial for Cllr Strange- there is a planned memorial service for Cllr Strange- booking essential.
Memorial board is still being planned.
61.22 Planning applications & decisions.
PA144814- application for rear extension and erection of workshop, Chime Cottage- Granted.
PA143740- application for 1 dwelling at Salisbury- refused.
62.22 Additional items for the next agenda- to update parish council policies and procedures.
63.22 Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 21st September 2022 at the Village Hall
Meeting Closed – 9.06pm