March 2022 Minutes
Grasby Parish Council
C/o Ash Grove Farm, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA
Telephone 01673 838151 Email:
Minutes of the Council Meeting held 16th March 2022, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
Present: Cllr R. Bennett, Cllr. J Harris, Cllr. V Wood, Cllr J Brown, & The Clerk
County Councillor T Smith
11 members of the public
A member of the public raised the issue of the overgrown hedge opposite the Cross Keys Pub. The hedge is obstructing the footpath making it difficult for people to use- especially wheelchair users or push chairs. This has been reported to LCC. The hedge was cut back slightly but it is still obstructed. Concerns were raised that due to nesting season they now be a problem for a number of months. Cllr T Smith said he would investigate the matter with LCC.
Members of the public stated that they were concerned about PA144527- Application for Outline planning to erect 4 dwellings, Land off Station Road. Concerns were raised about the safety of the entrance to the site where it was believed that visibility is poor and there are cars parked opposite the proposed entrance. Concerns were also raised regarding light pollution and increased noise in the area. Another member of the public was concerned that the application mentioned the church spire. The church has not had a spire for a number of decades. He therefore questioned the accuracy of the rest of the application. Again the issue of safety at the site access was raised. The member of the public felt that the access would create a danger to cyclist and pedestrian. Cllr T Smith said that he was happy to meet with the concerned residents to discuss the issue further and look at how the application fits with the local plan.
17.22 Apologies for absence: Cllr P Morris and Cllr K Hallet
18.22 Declarations of Interest –None
19.22 The Minutes of 19th January 2022 - were approved and signed as a true record.
20.22 Lincolnshire County Council Matters: - Cllr Smith reported that during June LCC will be able to enforce some traffic offences such as parking near junctions. Cllr Smith to report a number of potholes and also a gridded drain opposite the entrance to Holland Drive which is significantly lower than the road level. `
21.22 West Lindsey District Council Matters: - Cllr Morris had sent a written report in his absence. The Platinum Jubilee Fund has been very popular so applications may close early. Keep Britain Tidy has announce the Great British Spring Clean will run from 25th March to 10th April. WLDC are able to provide equipment for this if required. Green bin collections will commence on Monday 28th March. The new purple lidded bins are currently being delivered and collections will begin 25th April.
PA42952- Manor Farm, Clixby is expected to go to committee on 30th March.
22.22 Clerk’s report- there are still 2 vacancies available on the parish council. There has been and expression of interest in one of the vacancies
23.22 Highways Matters – There is a large pothole near the pub which has been reported numerous times. Cllr T Smith to follow up. There are also potholes at Clixby Lane. Two new 40mph repeater signs have appeared on the A1084. Cllr Wood reported that the community speed watch group are still active.
24.22 Finance and accounts for payment-
i) Finance: Accounts for payment-
Resolved to pay:
C Wright – Salary and expenses £213.76
25.22 Correspondence- all correspondence has been circulated.
26.22 LGA Code of Conduct- resolved to accept the new code of conduct.
27.22 Platinum Jubilee Community Fund- A Jubilee Committee has been set up and the first meeting held. No further progress has been made regarding planting trees. Highways have requested a plan of where the trees would be planted before they can approve. Clerk circulate the email but has not received a plan yet.
28.22 Neighbourhood Plan- Nev Brown to attend the annual parish meeting in May to explain the process of a neighbourhood plan. People who have expressed an interest in helping will be contacted and informed.
29.22 Memorial for Cllr Strange- Cllr Wood has continued to draft an information board about Grasby for the memorial.
30.22 Planning- PA144527- Application for Outline planning to erect 4 dwellings, Land off Station Road. Clerk to submit comments that the parish council, in principle, support the concept of the development but share the concerns raised by local residents regarding safety aspects of the access on to the main road. PA142952- Application for the construction of a fish drying plant, Manor Farm, Clixby- Public consultation underway, PA143740- Application to erect 1 dwelling, Sailsbury, Main Road- Comments submitted
31.22 Additional items for the next agenda- nothing additional
32.22 Date and time of next meeting- TUESDAY 17th May- Annual Parish Meeting at 6.30pm followed by the Annual Council Meeting
Meeting Closed – 21.21
These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.